Vote for your favorite local businesses and let Southern Oregon know who the Best of the Best is! Voting will take place between now and August 14 with results publishing October 16. Thank you for your participation, let’s celebrate our local community!
The height of summer coincides
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It may be hard to imagine a hidden gem being located on 4th Street, but just outside the hustle and bustle, there’s an incredible experience tucked away next to a hair salon and an insurance ag
The classic roast might seem like a holdover from the past, but it’s a damn delicious one. A dish of roast meat – traditionally beef, but these days you’ll usually get a few different options – and an assortment of vegetables can of course be eaten on any day of the week, but there’s
A traditional summer dish in Syria, this recipe is simple, fresh and packed with lemony, buttery flavours
A beloved traditional dish in Syria, very popular in the summer, this recipe is particularly appreciated on the Mediterranean seaside. It is a real crowd-pleaser because of its s
Sticky Smoky Baby Back Ribs.
Chef Joseph “Joe” Almoguera’s Guam-style barbecue ribs with red rice.
Joaquin Cepeda Sablan shared a recipe for ribs in tomato sauce on the Facebook group 671 Guam Recipes on October 2021.
Barbecue is a beloved part of Guam culture all year
What were once mainly eaten on a salad or sandwich, cured meats have become a rising star in the food scene in recent years, mostly because of the popularity of meat and cheese trays, also known as charcuterie boards. Even though they've recently gained popularity, cured meats are by no means
No need to get salty.
Friday's annual Ham and Bacon Breakfast and Auction were just the cure for whatever might be on your mind this summer. And there was plenty for everyone. The event featured 19 fresh slabs of bacon and 70 whole hams.
For 2022, Cole County 4-H and FFA students r
One commenter joked Brad Leone's pastrami gave her "mind boggling" diarrhea
Chef Brad Leone, a fermentation specialist and regular on Bon Appétit’s beleaguered YouTube channel, hosts a series called “It’s Alive with Brad.” The magazine describes it as “a wild, rounda
One commenter joked Brad Leone's pastrami gave her "mind boggling" diarrhea
Chef Brad Leone, a fermentation specialist and regular on Bon Appétit’s beleaguered YouTube channel, hosts a series called “It’s Alive with Brad.” The magazine describes it as “a wild, rounda